School Closures

Wherever possible, Our School will always try to stay open, even in bad weather. Sometimes, however, it may be necessary, because of poor weather conditions or other reasons beyond our control, for the school to be closed. On this page, you will find advice on our procedure if the school is unable to stay open.

A decision to close a school, either before or during the school day, will be recommended by the principal and authorised by Dr Nicholas Capstick OBE. This decision should be made by 7:00 a.m. in order to enable parents and colleagues to adjust their plans accordingly.

Our school will only be closed if one or more of the following conditions applies:

  • Insufficient staff are able to come in to keep the school running safely. This is key for Zouch, as we have many staff who drive a considerable distance daily).
  • Conditions on-site are dangerous.
  • Conditions are considered to be, or are anticipated to later become, too hazardous for travel.

Once the decision has been made to close the school, the principal will ensure that:

  • Spire FM, BBC Radio Wiltshire, and BFBS have been notified. We ask parents to listen out for announcements on all of these radio stations.
  • A text is sent to parents’ phones announcing the school closure. We ask parents to make sure we have their up-to-date mobile phone and contact details.
  • Notification of the school’s closure is posted on Twitter.
  • Add an update on the schools website notifying parents of the closure. Information regarding the school’s reopening arrangements will also be posted on the school website.

Please note that we only send out messages if the school is closed.

Additional Information

For hourly updates about school closures, please visit the following: